Immigration Exam


Immigration Questionnaire (Online) form

Please submit the above Online form for each applicant.  Alternatively, you may print this  (PDF) form  and email it to [email protected] 

Once we receive the questionnaire, we will call you to set up an appointment. Walk-in appointments are not permitted.

Total time for the appointment is one hour.

Cost of Vaccinations and Exam:

The cost of the medical exam is $200, without any vaccines or labs. Most applicants need both
vaccines and labs. Payment is by cash or card only. K-1 or K-2 Visa is $75 plus the cost of any
vaccines needed.

Required Immunizations and Lab Costs:

*  FLU - to be administered at local pharmacy - Flu season is from 1 Oct through 31 Mar
*  TDAP - for all ages, and given within the last 10 years - $100
*  MMR - for anyone born after 1956 and given at least once within your lifetime - $100

*  Pneumovax - for patients 65 or older - $135

*  Covid-19 - Proof of receiving both vaccinations is required, including name of manufacturer. If the applicant received the Bivalent dose, then only one vaccine will be required. (Covid vaccines are required for ages 5 years and older) – to be administered at local pharmacy 

*Hepatitis B - for anyone aged from birth - 59 years - $95

*  QuantiFERON (TB) - for all ages 2 years and older, and tested within the last year - $110
(If a previous positive PPD (TB), then a Chest X-ray will be required).
*  RPR- for ages 18 - 45 years, tested within the last 6 months - $25
*  Gonorrhea- for ages 18 - 24 years, tested within the last 6 months - $40

What to bring with you to your exam AFTER your appointment is scheduled:

Please bring any past vaccine records and a government-issued photo ID with you (i.e., Passport,
Driver’s License or an official Government ID card).

After check-in, we will review which vaccines and labs are needed, along with your medical history and then perform the exam.

You will be given a walk-in lab order to Quest Diagnostics for the (QuantiFERON) TB blood test.
This lab order will include a test for Gonorrhea for all applicants 18 - 24 years. 
Quest Diagnostics will send us the results usually within 5 business days. 

(If the TB blood test results are positive, you will be required to have a chest X-ray. Out-Patient Imaging is a walk-in imaging facility near
our office that charges around $75. You will be responsible to pay for the X-ray, if required.)

Once the application is finalized and signed by the doctor, the office will call you. The process can take between 5 to 10 business days. 

Insurance will Not be accepted for Immigration Exams, Lab fees or Vaccinations.

We accept Cash or Credit Cards - checks are Not accepted.